Renovation Specification

For the sake of your sanity you can save yourself thousands and reduce your stress.  In some instances an equivalent product may be fine but if you have your heart set on something it needs to be written down here!

Specification forms part of your contractual arrangement so it pays to get it right!

We have all heard that the devil is in the detail.  It may be perfectly fine to substitute for an “equivalent” selection but have you been given the choice?  Often it makes sense for the builders and trades to use their best buying power and products.  This helps with product that they are familiar with both to handle and the supply of these products.  In some instances you may be quite insistent on an item and this is of course perfectly fine.  There will be consequences that may follow if your selection has a delayed supply or is no longer available to purchase.

Ultimately each option is perfectly fine it just needs to be clearly documented so that everyone is on the same page to deliver your Reno.

So what if there is a change during the build?

How do you feel if you have a Clawfoot bathtub on your list and you are presented with a range of supply options and they are all the same price?  It scan be challenging to sort out and potentially has to knock on impacts depending on your final selection.  To some degree this cannot be avoided completely.  If you are clear about your important selections getting them down on paper is key.

Perhaps you have made a specific selection for an expensive European kitchen appliance.  If an alternative is installed by the builder that offers an equivalent performance what is your position?  Maybe you have you been offered the savings for the difference between the 2 options and there isn’t a problem.  The challenge is to make sure you have been given the information to make some informed choices, aside from the performance are you asking for an aesthetic, colour, style that is not being provided?

As a service you can shop here to develop a renovation specification.

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