Local Council Overalys


Check on what the Local Council can allow

We can give you a report showing you

  1. Current Overlays that might affect your property
  2. Basic services information and its impact on your ideas
  3. An understanding of some planning details you might need to make into account.
SKU 1455 Category


Guess what sometimes your project can be majorly affected by council conditions you might not be aware of.

You could surf around on their website OR

An understanding of the council layers that sit over your site can impact on your plans.

With some experience of these things the local council experience does not need to be overwhelming.

We can give you a report showing you

  1. Current Overlays that might affect your property
  2. Basic services information and its impact on your ideas
  3. An understanding of some planning details you might need to make into account.

Better now than after you have spent a lot of time and money on an idea that can’t happen!!!




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