So what is “3D Modelling?”
With modern software it is quite efficient to “draw” your home in a software platform that allows you to visualise and see your home. This can be quite powerful when paired with structural building knowledge.
Does this always provide value to fire up the surface pro with the latest free software?
Well no, not really.
Would you drive a car 3D modelled by your tame teenager?
For example just because it can be modelled it doesn’t mean that you can find a material that works in real life. This is a common enough complaint on large scale commercial work. Tradies often bemoan “How does the architect think I can get the fire services into that space?”. There is a difference between the skill of documenting an idea and the understanding of how each level of this idea has to inter-relate. Have you considered the plumbing below the floor or the wind pressures on that tall wall? Of course there is no perfect answer to any of these questions so the skill lies in the balancing of these competing needs.
With our combined construction experience of 50 years we provide the necessary guidance for modelling. Our team can then document your home at several levels.
Having the knowledge of building really guides this phase of your Renovation so that your plans can be delivered and it can be efficient and effective to do so.
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