Preliminary Engineering Review – Complex


Preliminary Engineering Complex

Now we might be looking at multiple construction methods or multiple stories to involve a more complex construction.

Once we have the preliminary modelling of your renovation organised it makes a lot of sense to understand the structural elements.

The savings can be 10’s of thousands of dollars by reviewing for the engineering basics to guide your renovation.

With a engineering review perhaps we can eliminate some of the unknown items to provide you with a much more precise path forward and this will be very helpful for your eventual build process.

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Preliminary Engineering Complex

Now we might be looking at multiple construction methods or multiple stories to involve a more complex construction.

Once we have the preliminary modelling of your renovation organised it makes a lot of sense to understand the structural elements.

The savings can be 10’s of thousands of dollars by reviewing for the engineering basics to guide your renovation.

With a engineering review perhaps we can eliminate some of the unknown items to provide you with a much more precise path forward and this will be very helpful for your eventual build process.

Our Experience tells us that this process can help with:-

  • Understand the existing structure and limits
  • What are the most cost effective connection methods to extend or renovate
  • Provide some alternate directions to consider
  • Alert the homeowner to existing structural issues
  • Confirm the suitability of remaining structure that saves time and effort in the renovation ideas.

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